Saturday, March 27, 2010


Welcome to Grade 4!. I am looking forward to meeting and getting to know each and every one of you. We have an exciting year ahead of us and I can't wait to get it started.

Resources for Parents

Dear Parents,

Here are some useful websites that you can explore that will ensure that your child is using the internet safely. As well as some resources that can provide you with information about the Ontario curriculum and websites that can keep as as involved with your children's learning.

Resources for Students

Dear Students,

Here are some useful websites that are both educational and fun for you to check out. Enjoy!

Friday, March 26, 2010

This week in class we are learning about Medieval times and I have a fun website that you can checkout that discusses the history of the middle ages, nobles, peasants, knights, arts and games. You are going to have a lot of fun with this website so enjoy!

- Chivalry Kidzone

Take a look at this website also you can take a tour of King Edwards castle. I want to you to write down notes about the layout of the castle as we are going to be creating our own castle next week in class.

Some books to check out at the library about medieval times are listed below:

  • Life in a Castle By: Kay Eastwood
  • Medieval Times By: Anthony Mason
  • Knights By: Rachel Firth

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hello my Grade 4 scientists, I want to tell you about a really fun activity we are going to be starting in science. Now that you have a better understanding about pulleys and gears over the two weeks we are now going to take all that knowledge and create something. Since we are also learning about medieval times I want to combine these two subjects and you are going to create your own castle! You will be designing, building and explaining systems that would supply a castle with water and defend it with a catapult and drawbridge. You will then have to incorporate pulleys and gears into this system. I have attached a game that you can play to get you comfortable with pulleys and gears as well as refer to my previous post about medieval times as there is a link that takes you on a tour of a castle. I will also provide you with a task sheet in class tomorrow so you get a better understanding of what is required for this activity.

Monday, March 22, 2010

We are going to be starting a new science unit on Pulleys and Gears. You will be broadening your understanding of structures by looking at 2 special kinds of whelels: Pulleys and Gears. Pulleys are used singly or in combination to move an object from one place to another. Gears can be used in combination to change speed and direction of movements. To help get you started on the unit I have provided a game for you to play about Pulleys for you to take a look at as well as a video on gears from the series "How Stuff Works". Mad Science is going to be coming to our classroom next week to give a presentaion on Pulleys and Gears and help us create our very own gear. We are going to have a lot of fun with this unit!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I have posted a couple of youtube videos about bullying and I would really like you to take a look at these videos with your parents. This is a very important issue and far too common do we see bullying occuring at school. I would like you to think hard about this issue as we will be starting a anti-bullying campaign in our classroom so bring your thinking caps on Wednesday as we have a lot to discuss.

Monday, March 15, 2010

This week in class we have been learning about Patterning in Mathematics. We have been looking at creating, extending, describing and shrinking number patterns. I found that some of you were having trouble describing the pattern for example if the pattern is skrinking by 5's or expanding by 5's. Here is a helpful website to review these concepts as well as have some fun with patterns.
  • Math for Kids (pick Algebra and Functions activity 1 if you feel comfortable go on to activity 2)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hello again my Grade 4 mathematicians!

We are going to be starting a new unit for mathematics about patterning and algebra. The goal of our first lesson into this subject will be an introduction to the exploration of growing patterns (sequences). We will be reviewing your previous knowledge about T-charts and you will be introduced to a new concept of pattern rules. I will be giving you a problem in class that relates to creating a pattern with seating at a picnic table. By solving the problem you will be representing your thinking about patterns in a variety of ways including: concrete materials (manipulatives), numbers, words, tables, diagrams and graphs. I will give you more details in class but to get you started on patterning I have provided some links for you to take a look at with your parents.